First Seed Sown founder Darren Josey rock climbing in Quincy Quarries.

Hi, I’m Darren Josey.

First Seed Sown is a for profit BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned company created to help BIPOC owned companies with sales and marketing services and municipalities by creating outdoor equity programs. This company was founded on the belief that systemic change in business and outdoor recreation must start with supporting those who’ve been historically marginalized.

About me, I’ve worked for just about every department you’ll find in a consumer goods company. From customer service, logistics, demand planning, key account management, in-house sales rep, ERP implementation / admin, ecommerce manager, event marketing, digital / print / OOH advertising, PR management, and most recently as a Marketing executive. I’ve been very fortunate to have worked for several brands during times of rapid growth and uncertain economic times and the lessons from both extremes are equally valuable. This will be the 3rd company I’ve launched, but the first that I own and that’s 100% focused on supporting the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community and municipalities for outdoor equity. 

As a Black and Puerto Rican cisgendered man from the greater Boston area, part of my privilege was being brought into this world by two parents who encouraged me to put myself out there even if I didn’t see anyone else who looked like I did. This was the courage I needed for sports like rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing, or working in offices and presenting to executive teams where I was the only person of color. The challenge was the same: prove that I deserved to be there, that my talents made me worthy of the space I was taking up, and that my lived experience could lead to positive change. 

My goal with starting First Seed Sown Sales and Marketing was to take my 14+ years of consumer goods experience and dedicate myself to sharing this knowledge with other BIPOC business people and municipalities to increase access to the outdoors for all.

The lack of support I experienced during my career was deeply disappointing, so I’ve built a network of talented fellow BIPOC professionals to help guide our business community through the go-to-market process.

When working with First Seed Sown Sales and Marketing LLC, you are working with a founder and team who understands your mission because we’re living it too.

Current & Past work